Who We Are

-   Your driver made me feel like I was someone famous; he took such good care of me. 

Whenever I’m in town, there’s absolutely no other company I could even think of calling. 

ALL County Transportation,  is committed to providing a safe and secure environment while attending to the special needs of our clients in a kind, caring and professional manor. It is this commitment to excellence that makes ALL County Transportation a leader in the Medical Transportation Industry.

Our Philosophy Is Why We Are The Best: ALL County Transportation is built upon the respect for the dignity of every person. We believe that each of you has the right to continued independence during health care and illness. We have undertaken the responsibility for helping our customers attain their highest potential by providing transportation to the medically handicapped. We are committed to providing professional service, being always conscious of the needs of our clients. We continually strive to maintain this professionalism through complete competence in the service we provide. ALL County Transportation provides safe, reliable transportation services to the following:

Long Term Care Facilities
Assisted Living Centers
Rehab Centers
Dialysis Appointments
Physical Therapy
Doctor's Offices
Stand-by Service For Athletic Events
Stand-by Service For Special Events